Vidyakunj International is a school with an Indian mind, an Indianheart and an Indian soul ; a school that celebrates the culture of excellence and is an embodiment of values. We believe that a curriculum of excellence with a global dimension is central to education of children to face challenges of 21st century. We feel that today’s child must realize,

“Oceans of knowledge and talent could be worthless without good human values and Sanskaras…”

Vidyakunj recognizes the importance of right educational programs of “Support and Challenge” for an individual and to ingrain the motivation for development, in a child’s mind. Right view, Right knowledge, Right conduct, Self-Reliance and Individual efforts can lead an individual to follow a path to become a good human being, a caring family member, an active member of community, a responsible citizen of his country and a recognized citizen of world. And that’s what we are striving to create here- kind and brilliant individuals.


Our emblem depicts five nibs of the pen representing that if we adhere to Determination, Dedication, Diligence in a Disciplined manner with an emotional essence of Dexterity, we are sure to succeed.


The journey of mankind starts with the prayer, तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

Take me from darkness to light. This prayer of our ancestors never lost its relevance since the ages- invoking the transformation of voice into light. Everybody amongst us would like to see the journey of our next generation proceeding further under the guiding light of this hymn to attain enlightenment. This shall be our humble effort to give shape to the desire.

‘Pragya Foundation’ is committed to ingrain Determination, Dedication, Diligence, Discipline, Dexterity and build the present generation as the pillars of enlightenment to further erect the building of glittering eternal values propounded by our great ancestors.

We intend to write a glorious chapter of these eternal values through our students in the history of our nation. We are optimistic that these students shall prove themselves as the ambassadors of knowledge and wisdom. We are sure that one day they will prove the pronouncement of Plato true when he says,

Education means the bringing of the soul into that environment which shall in each stage of its growth be suited for its development


Vidyakunj International is a school with an Indian mind, an Indian heart and an Indian soul. A school that celebrates the culture of excellence and is embodiment of values. In today’s revolutionary times, we strive to match the stride of the moment while preserving what makes India and Indians reach the top of everything they put their hearts to. Our values and morals are our own and they will be the foundation of this upcoming new world.

A critical focus of our efforts is also towards enabling the students to learn ‘Learning’ which means redefining the aim of our present education system.

At Vidyakunj, we understand the need of the hour. Our objective of making our children autonomous, creative and sentient human beings is the cornerstone of our institution. With your support, we promise to mould your child to be the foundation of this brave new world instead of making them cogs in this ever-turning wheel.

Board of Directors

Academic Director